Governing Board
The BEDC is a public development council
The Boundary Economic Development Council Board includes elected officials from Boundary County, the City of Bonners Ferry, the City of Moyie Springs and the Boundary County School Board. The board also includes the Chairperson of the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, two private sector partners, and ex-officio representatives from Panhandle Area Council, Idaho Department of Labor and the Idaho Department of Commerce.
In addition to the Board, the BEDC also has an advisory committee that includes additional members from the private sector. The BEDC holds monthly meetings that include the advisory committee, to give the organization a broad representation from both the governmental and private sectors.
Board Members
Dave Anderson, Mayor, City of Bonners Ferry
Gary Aitken, Jr., Chairman, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
Walt Kirby, Commissioner, Boundary County
Tess Rae, School District #101 Trustee
Donna Wilson-Funkhouser, City of Moyie Springs
Wally Jacobson, Executive Director, Panhandle Area Council
Dave Walter, Retired Columbia Bank Manager
Joe Farrell, Pace Kerby Real Estate
Ex-Officio Board Members
Hank Ebert , Idaho Department of Commerce
Summer MacDonald, Idaho Department of Labor
Dennis Weed
Citizen Advisory Committee
David Gray
Michael Listman
John O’Conner
Christine Callison
Carolyn Testa
Patty Perry
Connie Wells
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